
My 100th Blog Post

Dear friends and colleagues,

My 100th blog, Pondering the Ponds of Nags Head Woods Again, was posted on December 6th, 2016, and my first story, Mt. Kenya and Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, was posted on September 6th 2011, soon after my website was set up. I’ve posted stories at the rate of one about every three weeks for five years. You can find a month-by-month archive of these stories, in reverse chronological order, by scrolling down the right-hand column at  My talented and faithful webmaster, Chris Metzner, compiled images from each of my stories into the collage you see here.

Bruce Byers Consulting blog header images

These stories posted on my blog have given me an excuse to reflect on my work and try to communicate those thoughts in a form that may be interesting and entertaining for friends and colleagues. I feel really lucky to have a job that enables me to travel and see things that I know most people will never have a chance to see, and I feel compelled to share my good fortune in the form of stories, images, and ideas. I’ve had some positive feedback over the years, and have often been surprised when a story resonates with someone I haven’t heard from for a long time. I’ve been pleased and surprised to hear from one of you who just happens to have visited the monarch butterfly refuges in Mexico, has an opinion about the relationship between humans and dogs, has worked in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, loves John Muir, or fears president-elect Trump.

I want to reach a wider audience with my writing, and contribute to the larger societal conversation that needs to be happening about the human-nature relationship. I want to use this 100th blog posting as an excuse to ask you for help and advice about how to do that.

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Thank you for your interest and feedback over the past five years, and for your advice now about how to gain a wider audience for these stories!


About Bruce Byers

Bruce Byers Bruce Byers is an ecologist, writer, and international ecological consultant. His creative nonfiction writing tells stories of science and conservation from around the world. As an independent consultant, he assists government agencies, NGOs, and the private sector in the United States and worldwide with strategies for conserving biodiversity and improving the human-nature relationship.

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