
Bruce Byers Consulting evaluations

A site visit to the Brazilian Cerrado and Pantanal region in SW Brazil to gain first-hand knowledge of the context for work by Conservation International under the USAID Global Conservation Program was part of the evaluation of that program.

Evaluations that objectively review the performance of a program or project to determine the degree to which it achieved its planned objectives are an important tool for adaptive learning. Effective evaluations require the cooperation and participation of the designers, funders, and implementers of the program or project being evaluated, but each of these groups has sensitivities regarding project performance.

Transparent evaluation methods and patient trust-building among all participants in evaluations is a cornerstone of our evaluations. Fortunately, almost no program fails completely – but none completely succeed either. There is always more to learn, and the systems we try to influence are dynamic in any case. Constructive communication of evaluation findings helps everyone move forward with more effective design of future actions. Evaluations are an important part of the work of Bruce Byers Consulting; for some examples, see:

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