Mission: Informing and inspiring a more equitable, ecologically sound, and resilient relationship between all people and our home planet.
Bruce Byers Consulting has provided advice and technical assistance about ecologically sustainable strategies for improving human wellbeing to government agencies, NGOs, and the private sector in the United States and internationally in more than forty countries since 1994.
Informing: Bruce’s work has supported all phases of the adaptive learning cycle needed to sustain ecosystems and improve human wellbeing at the same time. Assessments, analyses, and applied research provide the background information needed by clients and partners to design effective strategies and actions in complex ecological and social contexts. These services support strategic planning and project and program design. Monitoring and evaluation services complete the cycle, improving future efforts.
Inspiring: Advocating and motivating the action and change needed to reconcile humans and nature is critical at this fragile time in our history and evolution. As a writer, Bruce aims to reach, teach, and motivate readers through stories and essays that are accessible and entertaining. Behavior is the interface between human social systems and ecosystems, and individual and institutional behaviors must change to move toward societies that live harmoniously with nature.
Bruce Byers Consulting services cover a range of thematic areas and issues, including:
• conservation of biological diversity
• natural resources management and governance
• biosphere reserves
• ecosystem services
• ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation
• collaborative and community-based conservation and natural resources management
• behavior change strategies and communication